
Claire Perkins is an artist, author, and expressive arts coach.

With degrees in computer programming, religious studies and philosophy, Claire takes an eclectic approach to understanding life and creating meaning in it. She experienced a deep dive journey of awakening after the death of her 26-year-old son in 2004. Over time, she created deep healing in her life through her training as a certified Creative Journal Expressive Arts Instructor™ (with Lucia Capacchione and The Creative Journal Expressive Arts Institute™), Active Dreaming teacher (with Robert Moss), Transformational Life Coach (at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts), and SoulCollage® Facilitator (SoulCollage.com)

Because of her life experience and training, she brings a special gift of compassion and empathy into her coaching practice, revealing to her clients the truth that already resides within them in a clear and loving way that burrows deep into their hearts and souls. With a juicy mix of art, dream work, and journaling, Claire gently guides people to deeper awareness, healing and awakening in her coaching practice. Her art and writing draw from the well of dreams and dreaming, using rich metaphor to explore the secrets of the soul. Her mosaic art celebrates the Divine Feminine, wildlife and nature.

Claire lives in Peeples Valley, Arizona with her husband, Dave,  two dogs and two cats. She enjoys nature, travel and boondock RV camping.