
I love September!

It makes me feel giddy inside, open to possibilities, ready for something new.

It’s that childlike anticipation of a new school year: brand new clothes, fresh notebooks and pencils, the smell of chalk and erasers, the joyful sound of kids on the playground, the excitement of reconnecting with old friends and making new ones, the challenge of finding my way to unfamiliar classrooms and opening my mind to previously unexplored subjects.

The school year now starts well before September, earlier every year. It’s been ages since I last sat in a classroom and I don’t even have any kids to see off to school in the morning. Here in my desert home town there’s not a hint of Autumn in the sultry air. No gold and bronze to grace the trees.

But, the light is shifting and I feel September in my bones. I’m ready for change, adventure, learning, growing. I’m ready to let go of that branch I’ve been clinging to like it was the whole Universe and to spin off into a bright blue sky with no roadmap, no plan and no worries about where I might land.

Wouldn’t it be glorious to just enjoy the ride?

Earthbound Misfit

Earthbound Misfit
Earthbound Misfit by Claire Perkins aka ArtfulAlchemist on Polyvore

Woke up with the Pink Floyd song Learning to Fly in my head (video, lyrics) and created this digital collage to honor that fragment.

Dreaming Tip: Even if you don’t remember a complete dream in the morning, pay attention to whatever is in your head when you awaken. The imagery evoked by this song has left me wondering where I’m feeling imprisoned instead of flying freely.

How about you? Are you tongue tied and twisted, just an earthbound misfit? What’s one thing you can do TODAY to break free of the bonds of gravity?