Becoming the Dream

Becoming the Dream

ThroughTheVeilIn a marvelous example of synchronicity (or how life rhymes), I am working on my new book, Fallen from the Dreaming Tree, this morning. I have just been inspired to write that my protagonist “weaves a dream from the quantum and finds its diamond sparkle so beautifully alluring that she steps into her dream and becomes it,” when I decide to take a break.

I pop onto the web to check emails and such, where I find a notice on Facebook that Seena Frost, the founder of SoulCollage®, has passed away. In the beautiful video tribute accompanying that post, Seena is heard quoting Meister Eckhart: “When the soul wishes to experience something she throws an image of the experience out before her and enters into her own image.” Oh, how beautifully Eckhart has captured and mirrored what I’m struggling to say.

Next I do a Google search to find and verify the words of Eckhart’s quote and find this post from Robert Moss, written several years ago, in which he explores the same quote and idea and challenges us not just to hear Eckhart’s words, but to walk with them and live into the essence of them.

Which is exactly the meaning and purpose I’m hoping to convey through the story I’m writing.

Rather than being dismayed that what I’m writing is not saying anything new, I am encouraged that what I’m trying to say is a deep Truth that other mystics and teachers have known and shared in their own words and ways. Perhaps this Truth itself is an image that we continue to throw before us so that we can live into it more fully with each experience. While my story may not be new, may I tell it in new words that send forth an image of Truth. And may we all learn to live into it more deeply each day, each dream, each life.

I am grateful for wise teachers like Robert Moss (with Active Dreaming), Seena Frost (with SoulCollage®) and Lucia Capacchione (with Creative Journal Expressive Arts) who have each done so much to pave the way and provide tools and processes to empower the journey of fully living our soul’s dream.

Dream: Clearing the Way


Dream Collage created on – view here: Dream: Clearing the Way

4/23/14 (morning) Dream: Arbor Paths

I am being guided down a number of paths. One of these is an arbor path that is very overgrown, making it hard to push through, and leaving us scratched by the branches and twigs when we do.

I wake from the dream thinking of Robert Moss’ dream circle opener: “May our doors and gates and paths be open, and the doors and gates and paths between the worlds, and may the doors and gates and paths of any who wish to do us or those we love any harm be closed.”

With that thought, I find myself most drawn to that brambly, overgrown arbor path. Why was it blocked? Where does it lead? I feel like I want to open it up and clear the way to make passage through it easy. I determine to re-enter the dream with the intention of cutting away the overgrowth and clearing the path through the arbor.

4/23/14 (day) Waking life

We learn that Mom has FINALLY been approved for AZ Long Term Care after a 3 1/2 month wait. That’s good news, as her financial circumstances leave her unable to afford her current Assisted Living facility any longer. The bad news? We now have to find her a place to live that accepts ALTCS within 7 days or lose her chance at coverage. This is quite challenging, given that most Assisted Living facilities in the area (including her current home) do not accept ALTCS. Of the few that do, not all will allow an upgrade to a private room. Of those, most do not have immediate availability. My sister makes a series of calls and finds 3 possible places to look at. One has a short waiting list. One is a bit farther away than we’d like. The third is not one we’ve heard of before. We decide we’ll look at them tomorrow.

4/23/14 (night) Dream Re-entry: Clearing the Way

I have not yet made any connection between the day’s waking experience and last night’s dream. But I am still determined to do the dream re-entry and clear that overgrown path.

I use Robert Moss’ drumming CD to guide my journey. I find myself at the blocked path and I begin nipping at it with my garden shears. Very soon I determine the job’s too big and this will never do. I need my big loppers. I retrieve the loppers and start to cut, but again realize the job is much too big for hand tools. I need my power hedge trimmer. I rev the engine of the trimmer and begin to easily open up the path, clearing away the overgrown brush.

I return from this journey feeling satisfied, even though I don’t really know where this path leads.

4/24/14 (morning) My sister and I head out to look at the Assisted Living facilities she’s found. A quick look at the place we hadn’t heard of leaves us feeling pretty good – it has a lovely, homelike feel and the people are very nice. This place would meet Mom’s needs, has immediate availability, allows an upgrade to a private room, and fits the budget. We decide to go to look at the other one as well, even though it’s a little farther than we’d like. It feels a little icky. Institutional. Very smarmy, salesy approach from the manager. We decide not to even look at the one with the waiting list. It seems clear that the first one we looked at is the right place for Mom.

I begin to relate the dream and dream re-entry to this search and feel as if the way has been cleared in the dream realm, making the path clearer and easier to navigate – making the right path obvious.

It doesn’t dawn on me until the next day, though, just how on target this dream is. The name of the place we chose for Mom? ARBOR Rose. The arbor path that I cleared in the dream re-entry.

There may still be some challenges before we complete this move for Mom. However, I feel confident that the way has been cleared and as long as we keep moving forward, all will be well.

(with great thanks to my sister for taking on the majority of the legwork in the waking world ~ the dream world can assist us greatly in waking life, but it still requires ACTION in the waking world to make our biggest and best dreams come true)