SoulCollage® – Committee Suit – Essential Self

SoulCollage® – Committee Suit – Essential Self
SoulCollage® – Committee Suit – Essential Self

Essential Self

I am the part of you
the heart of you
who is one with the stars
one with the seas
one with the earth
one with all things

I am the part of you
who embodies the Universe
as only you uniquely can

If you can dance your way
into quiet
into peace
you will hear my song there
within your own still center

The fish asks
Where is your power?
Where is your passion?
What is in your heart?

What is it that is bubbling up inside of you
longing to be expressed?

Strip away the mundane mask
of conditioning and cultural expectation

Let your heart-light shine through
where your false face once was

Call upon your shape-shifting power
For you can be whatever you choose

The stars spin at your command


Time Lapse Stars Photo by Jason Blackeye on Unsplash
Painted Woman Photo by emily lau on Unsplash

SoulCollage® – Community Suit – Kids in Cages

SoulCollage® – Community Suit – Kids in Cages

I’ve been feeling weighed down and wearied by the shadow energies I feel are at work in our country these days. Recently I began creating a new series of  SoulCollage® cards that I think of as “American Shadow” cards. May we work together to bring balance to the shadows within ourselves, our nation and the world.

SoulCollage® – Community Suit – Kids in Cages

The Liberty Bell still tolls
but not for thee
oh Child of the Brown Skinned Mother
Its crack has become
a chasm
to swallow you whole

The open arms of Freedom and Justice
have ripped you from
your mother’s breast
Given you hard floors and bars
to replace her
as deaf ears ignore your cries

There is no room at the inn
for Christ-like compassion
Religion is a sword to wield against you
The beacon on the hill
is naught but a siren’s song
calling you in to be bashed against the rocks

Brilliant words of vision and hope
spill off the weathered parchment
to scatter on the wind
as Lady Liberty weeps into
the shreds of a burning flag

Claire Perkins