May Your SOUL Burn Through Your SHOULDS

My wonderful friend and awakening coach, Aliza Bloom Robinson, triggered this vision in my mind during a guided meditation last week.

As I drew the image in my journal, it occurred to me that the words SHOULD and SOUL are very close – just drop away the H and the D from SHOULD and you are back to SOUL.

I asked myself, what are the H and D? What do they represent? And what came to me was Having and Doing.

We spend so much of our energy on Having and Doing, at the expense of Being – and Being, it seems to me, is a purer expression of Soul. Somehow we measure success by, and place value on, how much we Do and how much we Have. But when that takes us away from our true Being and authenticity, the price of all that Having and Doing can be mighty high.

I am ready to strip away the H and the D – the Having and Doing – and get back to the Being that is my true Soul.

May the pure light of your Soul burn through all your “shoulds” and burn through all false and unnecessary Having and Doing, leaving a pureness of Being that is authentic and true to your Soul’s purpose.

I am Wonder

This is PART SIX of a series. To start from the beginning, go here.

This is an excerpt from The Deep Water Leaf Society: Harnessing the Transformative Power of Grief (copyright 2008, Claire M. Perkins. All Rights Reserved.)

from chapter 13: Voices from the Big Wave

I am highlighting one of these dialogues in each post of this series. The questions of the dominant hand are noted (DH) and the answers of the images, transcribed by my non-dominant hand, are noted (NDH).)

5/24/04 Dialogue with Blond Baby Girl

Me (DH): Hello little blond girl peeking out at me. What is your name?

Girl (NDH): Wonder.

(DH): Hello, Wonder. How do you feel?

(NDH): Alive. Happy. Curious. Excited. Inspired.

(DH): Why do you feel that way?

(NDH): Just look and see! It’s all around us. It sparkles. It sings. It’s magic.

(DH): What is this that sparkles and sings with magic?

(NDH): LIFE! All of it. It’s awesome.

(DH): What can I do for you?

(NDH): See through my eyes.

(DH): What gift or wisdom do you bring to me?


This little one seemed to be telling me that if I looked at life with the innocence and wonder of a child, I could reclaim joy. She seemed to promise that life could still be worth living and could still be full of joy and wonder, despite the loss I had suffered. Although right now my heart felt shattered and broken, I could feel her promise singing through my veins.

to be continued . . .

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